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Noble Truths for Life
Exploring Jesus in the Ancient Biblical Story. For those on the Buddhist Path seeking Karma relief
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Noble Truths for Life
Exploring Jesus in the Ancient Biblical Story. For those on the Buddhist Path seeking Karma relief
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Jesus revealed in Gospels
The Precision and Power of Pentecost
The Revived Woman paired with the Resurrected Son
Cosmic Rhythm only God could Dance: From Creation to Cross
Resurrection First Fruits: Life for you
Day 7: Jesus in Sabbath Rest
Day 6: Good Friday and Jesus the Passover Lamb
Day 5: Through Treachery Satan coils to strike
Day 4: Look to the Stars
Day 3: Jesus utters The Withering Curse
Day 2: Jesus Selected
Through the ancient Hebrew Bible
The Bodhisattva Coming for All Peoples
The Promised King: Coming In Signs of ‘Seven’
The Coming Noble King: Named Hundreds of Years Beforehand
Sign of the Branch: Like the Persistent Bodhi Tree for Everybody
Where does ‘Christ’ of Jesus Christ come from?
Great World Empire of the Past… and the Global Kingdom Promised to Come
What Ancient Prophetic Oracles Speak Today?
Luck of Laughing Buddha but Cursed Like a Preta: How Moses’ Blessings & Curses Echo Today
The Five Precepts and the Ten Commandments
Riddle of the New Year’s Full Moon Festival
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the evidence for God’s existence?
Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it?
What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?
Why would a Loving God allow Suffering, Pain and Death?
What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?
Simple but Powerful: How can Jesus’ sacrifice cancel your Karma?
Is there a difference between Christianity and the Gospel?
The most unique Book: What is its Message?
The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?
What is the ‘Son of Man’? The Paradox at Jesus’ Trial
Ancient Zodiac Story
Your Zodiac Story: From the most ancient Star Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Libra Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Scorpio Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Sagittarius Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Capricorn Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Aquarius Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Pisces Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Aries Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Taurus Horoscope from the Ancient Star Zodiac
Audio Visual Resources
Audio visual in Chakma
Audio visual in Dzongkha
Audio visual in Gurung
Audio visual in Ladakhi
Audio visual in Marma
Audio visual in Sharchogpa
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Cangluo Monba
Cangluo Monba
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